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Receive client payments in their currency

Reach new markets internationally while guarding against risk. Invoice your clients and receive payments in their currency, wherever they are.


Open currency accounts in minutes

Without an experienced partner, transfers and foreign exchange transactions can result in delays in payment or reconciliation. With iBanFirst, you can open nominative currency accounts, with individual IBANs guaranteeing transaction security and quality.

Manage FX risk

FX market volatility poses a threat for businesses. Risk management solutions are not readily available and are often reserved for international banks’ currency trading desks. iBanFirst offers flexible currency risk management solutions to all clients, accessible through a user-friendly platform.

Gain competitive, transparent rates

Many international payments generate excessive fees and foreign exchange commissions, negatively impacting your profit margins. iBanFirst lets you regain control of your international transactions, with instant multicurrency payments, competitive rates and transparent pricing, all secured with the click of a button.
A partner you can trust

Secure and reliable above all

iBanFirst Updates

iBanFirst listed in the FT’s “FT 1000” ranking 4 years in a row

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iBanFirst announces acquisition of Cornhill, the UK-based FX provider

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iBanFirst announces new appointments to its Executive Committee

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Frequently asked questions

What currencies do you offer?

iBanFirst offers over 30 currencies to open accounts, receive payments, hold funds, and make payments. You can check the list of currencies available here.

When you join, you’ll get a dedicated Account Manager, as well as a Customer Success Manager who’ll look after you and your business.

Instruct your bank to send funds to our safeguarded client account at Barclays - this could be done online, via an app. or by going into your branch. We do not accept cash or cheques. Our banking details can be found on the contract note which we will email to you after you have agreed an exchange rate or bought currency online via our platform.

All funds are held in segregated ring-fenced client accounts at Barclays Bank PLC. These do not form any part of the company’s assets and could not be touched by creditors. Barclays Bank PLC does not monitor how iBanFirst operate these accounts.

+44 (0) 203 409 5400 |

iBanFirst Limited is registered in England and Wales under Company No. 6260585 registered address: 6th floor, Dashwood House, 69 Old Broad St, London EC2M 1QS. iBanFirst Limited is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority for the provision of payment services under the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (Reference number: 504494) and supervised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Money Laundering Regulations 2017. The products and services that iBanFirst Limited offers are limited to unregulated spot FX transactions and deliverable Forward contracts excluded from MiFID or EMIR regulation (on the premise that their purpose is that of a future payment and treated as spot FX).